New Homeowners represent an extremely valuable market segment. This database is a group of people who have above average income and typically spend eight times more than an established resident. They are eager to discover their new surroundings and want to find local businesses to develop relationships with.
New homeowners will have to find doctor offices, lawn services, cleaning companies, appliance stores, furniture outlets, restaurants, and other businesses to become “regulars” at. Get a jump on your competitors and let these people know where you are located and why they should choose you over similar businesses.
Since this group has recently been through extensive credit tests for their home purchase they are great candidates for major credit purchases, homeowners insurance, catalogues, and credit cards. 75% of new homeowners place catalogue orders within the first year of their residency. leadsaccurate new homeowner mailing lists can benefit a wide variety of business.
New Homeowner List Info
- Over 27 million records are available
- More than 100,000 leads added weekly
- 95% Deliverability Guarantee
- Select from any geography in the US
New Homeowner Data Selects
- Age of New Homeowner
- Amount of Loan
- Assessed Value of Home
- Ethnicity of new homeowner
- Gender of New Homeowner
- Home market value
- Homeowner type
- Income of new homeowner
- Interest Rate Type
- Loan to Value Ratio
- Loan Type
- New Homeowner Gender
- Presence of Children
- Property Type
- Purchase Amount
- Purchase date range
- Trust Flag
- Much More
Reach an audience who looking to furnish their home and find amenities in the new area.
Reach New Home OwnersOr Call +639621069779
New Homeowner Mailing Lists
- Businesses looking for new prospects and growth need to reach out to new homeowners. This is a group that is often overlooked. New residents are ready to spend and buy goods and services for their new home. Local businesses have the opportunity to fill the many needs of new homeowners.
- Reaching this market at the right time and the right way is critical. The right time is easy, just be the first one in the door. Getting a fresh and accurate list so no time is wasted is important. The right way is through direct mail. With many consumers on the Do Not Call list, the phone numbers are limited and by the time email addresses are appended to the file your competitors have beat you to the door with a direct mail piece.
- A list of recent homeowners is different than a list of new movers. New movers can consist of homeowners and renters. A current homeowners list will be more effective in marketing certain products and services that are not feasible for a renter. For example, why waste the time offering a lawn service or alarm system to an apartment dweller?
- Another great feature on a new homeowner list is the ability to select a new sale versus resale. If this is a resale, businesses in home repair, flooring, heating and air, painting, etc. can capitalize on this market. If this is a new sale, the homeowner may want new furnishings, electronics, landscaping, etc. to enhance their recent purchase.
- Keep in mind that a homeowner is typically more stable than a renter and also more likely to become a long time customer if goods and services are offered to them with an incentive. This is the opportunity for marketers to reach out and present an offer that “can’t be refused” to those new to an area. Making someone feel special after a move can go a long way. Begin with a heartwarming welcome and make sure the experience with your company is positive. Meeting a customer’s expectations will bring repeated business and loyalty.
- Another demographic that can be selected is purchase amount and distance. These features can be utilized for selling certain goods and services. For instance, if the homeowner is new to the area then local restaurants, dry cleaners, banks, doctors, dentists will be in need. By pulling purchase amount a business can measure what the homeowner is able to afford. A high-end interior decorator or top quality furniture company will be able to target the homes with a higher purchase amount.
- Numerous reports show new homeowners spend the most within the first 6 months of their move. Connecting with this market immediately is vital for businesses that want to bring in new customers and increase profits.
Beat out competitors today by being the first one in the mail to New Homeowners!