The single most important aspect of mailing lists is accuracy. You can have an incredible product or service, provide a great offer, and have the most amazingly designed mail piece the industry has ever seen but if it reaches the wrong people all of that means nothing. No one is going to use a coupon for dog food if their only pet is a gold fish. Before you put your envelope, post card, brochure, or pamphlet in the mail be sure that it will reach the right people.
Quality & Accuracy of Lists and Sales Leads
leadsaccurate has served over 100,000 companies and has been established for more than 25 years. Our mailing lists are the most targeted and accurate records available. We stand behind our deliverability guarantee because we know there is no better data available.
Diversity & Reach of Lists and Sale Leads
leadsaccurate can provide you with literally tens of thousands of different mailing list selections. We have comprehensive files on life style and interests to memberships to activities and everything in between. Our large catalogue of databases can help you narrow down your search criteria and simplify your campaign from beginning to end.
Free List Counts & Quotes
Find out how many leads fall within your demographic and geographic selection for free. No credit cards, memberships, down payments, or any other type of obligation. Simply call or fill out the form to the right and we will tell you how many prospects meet your criteria. Our team of specialists can also provide suggestions as to what selects have work in the past for similar industries!
Consumer Mailing Lists & Sales Leads
When compiling your Consumer Mailing List leadsaccurate has access to over 290 million individuals and over 135 million households. Find consumers using the most extensive list of demographic, geographic, and specialty selections available.
Business Mailing Lists & Sales Leads
Reach the decision makers of a company with your direct mail. You can select by executive position, company size, business type, sales volume and many other factors from more than 14 million businesses. Our Business lists can provide you with the most targeted prospects that require your products or services.
Specialty Mailing Lists & Sales Leads
Our selection of specialty mailing lists will provide you with any niche you can think of from gardening enthusiasts to nurses. There are literally tens of thousands of different specialty list selections you can choose from. leadsaccurate has a team of specialists that are dedicated solely to delivering hard to find lists. If the records exist we can provide them.
E-mail Marketing Lists
All of our opt-in email lists are CAN-SPAM compliant and can help you reach over 50 million consumers and 8 million businesses. We can help you whether you a seasoned email campaign professional or just getting started. leadsaccurate can help you design, plan, and launch your email campaign so that you receive the most bang for your buck.
Other Mailing List Selections
Occupant Lists
This type of list will saturate or hit every address in a selected geographic area. You can select addresses by zip code, radius, carrier route, county, city, dwelling type, along with average income, age, and/or home value.
Physician Mailing lists
Reach physicians of any specialty anywhere in the nation. Records can be selected according to a number of factors. Some of the more popular physician list selections are dermatologists, psychiatrists, and surgeons.
New Mover Mailing Lists
leadsaccurate New Mover Lists are updated daily to ensure that our records contain only the people who moved recently. There are more than 300,000 leads added weekly. This list is great for established businesses reaching out to consumers who do not know the area.
New Homeowner Mailing Lists
You can select New Home Owners from anywhere in the nation. There are more than 100,000 leads added to this file weekly. These records are great for department stores, local organizations, and any business supplying home and decorative items.
Mortgage Mailing Lists
These records are compiled completely from public records using transaction and property characteristics collected from county tax assessor’s files. This list contains people with above average purchasing power and more expendable income.